Being A Single Woman Of God

Prejudices Sometimes I think that the Lord enjoys playing little tricks on us. No, He is never devious or petty. However, He sometimes lets us build up a good head of steam rolling down the tracks of our own devising and then removes the tracks to see what we are going to do (as if He doesn’t already know). I somewhat felt that way when the Lord called my single daughter to go across the globe as a missionary. I had always avoided women missionaries like the plague.

But God intends to use you, your faith, your time, and your singleness in radical ways right now, as you are. You might come away from a reading of 1 Corinthians 7 with two categories in mind: those who will live, serve, and die single and those who must marry. Paul sings singleness’s praises, listing the spiritual benefits of being spouse-free.

When one called, I always found an excuse not to have her in. It just did not seem right—a single lady going to a missionary field. Could she handle it emotionally?

And, what could she do? Sing me to sleep single alan walker album. She could not preach or start a church.

Surely this was not of God. I cannot say that I had a biblical conviction.

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It was more of a foreboding, a hesitancy. It did not seem right. Thenwell, then there was that little girl of mine. My own daughter gave her life to go. Personally and selfishly, I wish I had a real conviction against it. I could keep her home.

A Woman Of God Poem

What about marriage? What about a family? What about grandchildren? This is the girl who spent much of her youth dreaming about having a large family. She studied homeschooling so she would be ready to homeschool her own children. Now she tells me that going to a country where missionaries are not allowed to tell unknown children and their mothers about Christ is more important to her than having the husband and children she had always dreamed about. I fear for her safety.

No, when she was gone for five months last year, I grieved for her. This was my little girl. Everyone says she is like her daddy. We always understood each other. Our hearts have always been entwined.

Nowshe is leaving. Not to move across town where we can visit her often, but across the world where messages have to be filtered for words and news that might be offensive to the foreign government. Well, I brought her up to put God first. I can only praise God that my children seem to be set on doing so. But what about women missionaries? I still had to settle that issue. So, I searched my heart and went to the Bible.

Either God’s word will be our authority or something else will be. What saith the scriptures? First, we all know that missionaries have to be men; preferably men with families. Only men can preach, found churches and train indigenous pastors.